Personally, I believe that the configuration options for report pages in Looker Studio are often overlooked. Perhaps it’s because many of these features are relatively new. We’ll explore them in this post, and I’ll end with a trick I’ve used numerous times to replicate report pages more quickly.
In this post, we will use data from Google Analytics 4, specifically from Google’s Merchandise Store.
1. How to Create a Blank Page?
If your report only has one page, you’ll see the option to Add Page in the secondary top menu.

If you have more than one, you can click on the icon that says Page x of x, which will replace the Add Page option, and in the column that appears to the right of the canvas, click the + sign to add a page.

You can also go to Page in the top menu and select New page, which you can do whether you have one page or more in your report.
2. Actions You Can Take with Pages
There are several options available that you can see in the column to manage a page. You can reach this column by clicking on Page x of x in the secondary top menu, or in Page → Manage pages in the primary top menu.

If you hover over the page name, you’ll see three vertical dots on the right. By selecting them, you can see the available actions.

- Rename
As the action indicates, this allows you to change the name of the page. By default, it’s called Untitled Page, which does not provide any information about the data it contains. I recommend always changing the name to something descriptive of the information the page shows. For example, Product Category – Technology for a page with specific data about the Technology category.
- Duplicate
If you have a page called Product Category – Technology and want to create another one for Beauty, you can duplicate the Technology page and simply change the title and filters to display data for Beauty.
The trick I mentioned at the beginning makes it easier to change filters when duplicating pages. We will see it at the end of the post.
- Delete
If you want to delete a page, you can do so with this option.
- Hide in View Mode
If you don’t want the end user of the report to see a page, you should hide it in view mode. However, if they have editing privileges and are in Edit mode, they will still be able to see it.
- Select Icon
This allows you to change the icon that appears next to the page name in the left navigation. There are many available. For this example, I’ve selected a heart.

- Move to Beginning/End/Up/Down
This allows you to change the position of the page.
3. Navigation Changes
I haven’t mentioned it earlier, but in the image showing how to add a page, you can also see options to create a section, a divider, or a header.
A section helps to organise your pages into sections, simplifying navigation. You can drag the page into the section for this purpose.
The divider is simply a line, and the header is a title to separate your pages and sections.
In the following image of the pages, the divider appears with the top of the rectangle in pink, and the header in orange. I’ve changed the name of the header to Annex.

This is the result in the page navigation. You can see the sections, the divider, and the header called Annex.

4. Specific Reports by Category Value
As I mentioned at the beginning, there’s a trick I’ve used numerous times to replicate a report page so that the new page displays the same charts with different data. Imagine you’re creating a report on marketing channels and want a page for Organic Search, another for Paid Search, another for Direct, and another for Organic Social. That’s four pages, which can be created in the way I’m about to explain, saving you a lot of time.
Step 1
First, you need to create a page with the charts you want to show. These charts are the ones you’ll use on all four pages. For example, like this:

Although I’ve modified it a bit, for this example, I’m using the Google Analytics 4 template that Looker Studio makes available to all its users. To use this or any other template, go to the Looker Studio homepage and select Template Gallery. There, you will see the templates sorted by tool.
To use the GA4 template without modification, click on Google Analytics in the template gallery and you’ll find it there. It’s called GA4 report, and to edit it, you need to click the Share & edit button above the canvas. If the new report created after this does not give you the option to edit, choose Make a Copy in the three-dot vertical menu you’ll see at the top right of the screen.
You can find the modified version I’m using through this link.
Step 2
Even if the first page you create is for Organic Search, do not apply any filters that limit the data to that marketing channel. However, if a specific chart has a filter that will be applied in that same chart across all four pages, then apply it.
Once you’ve completed the first page, the next step is to apply the Organic Search filter to all the charts simultaneously.
In the top menu, go to Page → Current page settings.

In the right-hand menu that appears, select the data source you’re using, if it doesn’t appear already. In this case, we’re using the GA4 – Google Merchandise Store data source.
To apply the same filter to all the charts on this page, you need to add it in Add a Filter in the Page Settings.
On the first page of our example, we add an Organic Search filter.

Step 3
Duplicate the page four times as we discussed above.
Step 4
Go to Current page settings of each new page and replace the filter on each one with the relevant marketing source you’re analysing. The first page with the Organic Search filter, the second with Paid Search, the third with Direct, and the fourth with Organic Social.
And that’s it! You now have four replicated pages in just a few steps!
To see if a chart has a filter applied in the page settings, you need to select it, and in Settings, at the bottom, you’ll see filters under Page Filter. If there’s none, it means that no filters have been added at the page level.

If you want to remove it, you can do so by disabling the Inherit Filters option.
You can also add filters at the report level. You can do this by going to File → Report Settings → Add a Filter.
Creating and configuring pages can significantly simplify your life when creating reports. Practice the four steps we’ve covered, and you’ll see how much time you can save when generating one with multiple pages.