Gauge with ranges in Looker Studio

Just like scorecards and bullet charts, gauge with ranges are used in Looker Studio to represent your most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Additionally, these allow you to display the value of your metric with ranges, as well as alongside a target.

1. Example

We will use the same example as we did with the bullet chart. This way, we’ll use the same ranges (15, 30, and 45) and target (35).

Choose release_date as the time period dimension, and the average streams (millions) as the metric, just like before.

Visit the podt on how to add charts to your report in Looker Studio, if you need a refresher.


You can rename your metric on the same screen where you change the aggregation. You can do this below where it says Name (I called it Average Streams). Below the new name, you’ll see which metric the chart is using; in this case, streams (millions).


Now, the set-up will show the new name of the metric, Average Streams.

Once again, you’ll see that the maximum axis limit is lower than the average value you’re trying to represent; it’s only 5. To change this, go to Style and look for Axis Max. Change the 5 to 45 there.

2. Specific Customisation Options for the Chart

In Style, you can also add ranges and the target. Let’s start with the ranges. By default, there are 4, but we’ll remove the last one by clicking the close button. For the others, enter 15, 30, and 45.

Finally, check the box to show the target and set it to 35.

You can also change the colors of the chart. Change the bar color to orange and the range to light gray.

It would look like this. What do you think?

Now that you’ve learned more about the gauge with ranges, do you have a preference between this one, the scorecard, and the bullet chart?

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