How to visualise the sequential impact of positive and negative values with the Waterfall Chart in Looker Studio

Waterfall charts in Looker Studio are excellent for understanding the sequential impact of positive and negative values relative to a baseline.

We will use the Superstore Products dataset to see how net revenue has evolved over the years for the ecommerce in our data.

Visit the post on how to add charts to your report in Looker Studio, if you need a refresher.

1. Example

After adding your waterfall chart, in its set-up, select Order Date as the dimension and Net Revenue as the metric.

Then, change the data type of your Order Date dimension to Year Quarter. Remember, you can do this by clicking on the icon next to Order Date and selecting it from the dropdown under Data Type.

Our waterfall chart will show positive net revenue for all quarters. Since they are positive, they are represented in green by default.

Let’s add a dropdown list with the product category and see if we notice any differences among the three categories (Office Supplies, Technology, Furniture).

If you’re following along, you’ll notice that Furniture has three quarters where the gains were negative, which are therefore shown in red.

This type of chart is an excellent choice when we want to see how a metric evolves from its starting point, as we can visualise how the dimension’s categories (in this case, quarters) have affected the overall total.

2. Chart-Specific Customisation Options

This chart also allows you to add a total bar at the end. You can do this within the set-up settings.

A vertical bar is added at the end of your X-axis showing the total.

If your dimension is based on time, the total can be shown as quarterly, monthly, or annually, in addition to the absolute total shown above. You can also adjust the starting value for your Y-axis.

In Style, you can change the orientation of the bars (horizontal or vertical) and adjust the colours, among other things.

Were you familiar with this type of chart? The waterfall chart is one of the most recent additions to Looker Studio.

As always, comments and questions are welcome!

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