What would you think if, in addition to sharing your reports, you could embed them in your presentations or other applications? Well, it’s possible! Let’s take a look at how to do it.
1. What Does It Mean to Embed in Another Application?
Essentially, it means integrating it into other online platforms, such as a website or a presentation, so your audience doesn’t have to jump from one link or platform to another to view and interact with your report.
No knowledge of HTML is required; Looker Studio provides you with the code you need to embed.
2. Preparing Your Report for Embedding
To ensure the canvas fits the application where it will be displayed, it’s advisable to configure it to fit the width. You can change this in the top menu under File → Theme and Layout → Layout. At the top, under Layout, you will see Display mode, and you should select Fit to width.

You can embed both public and private reports. If they are private, only those you have given access to by adding their email addresses will be able to see them, and they must be signed in with their Google account.
3. The Code for Embedding
Embedding Looker Studio reports is accessible to everyone, as it does not require any knowledge of HTML. You can access the code you will use on the new platform by going to File → Embed report. In the window that appears, make sure that embedding is enabled.
In the code that appears, you have the option to modify the height and width of the frame that will display the report. By default, it is set to 600 pixels wide and 450 pixels high.

You can also embed it through the URL generated on the same screen. Note that this is not the same as the one you use when sharing the report. To embed it, you will need to use the one that appears on this screen of your report.

4. Interactivity
One of the things I love about embedding Looker Studio reports is that users can still interact with them. They can use the controls explained in this blog and navigate through the pages.
To do this, you need to go to File → Embed report and enable the option to show report navigation in embedded mode.
Remember to have the Enable embedding option activated as well.

5. Common Issues
Is the report not visible?
Ensure that it is shared with a hidden or public link. If it is restricted, users will need to sign in with their Google account to view it, and they must have been granted access to the report.
Is the canvas not displaying properly?
Play around with the report’s dimensions in its settings or adjust the height and width in the generated code for embedding.
Are the interactive elements not working?
This can be trickier to resolve, as some platforms may have restrictions or scripts that block controls and other interactive elements.
6. Data Privacy
We covered this in the post about how to share Looker Studio reports, but it’s worth repeating. Data is information, and information is power, so we must be careful about who can view our reports. This is particularly relevant when it contains sensitive data, such as personal information about customers or sales figures for your organisation.
Do you think this functionality is useful? Have you ever embedded a Looker Studio report in other applications?